7 Key Things You Should Know on Contrarian Investing Strategy – Stock and Ladder (2024)

In the plains of the African national parks an event gets played out on a daily basis. The moment an impala or a deer senses danger and starts running; the rest of the herd also joins the run. Many in the herd will not even know what triggered the running. Similar scenes can be observed in the plains of our stock markets too.
In times of euphoria like now, many investors are extremely eager to join the party by buying stocks of even unheard off companies. The moment any event that causes panic sets in, many investors wish to run away from the party in droves, even selling their core portfolio.
Doing the exact opposite of what the crowd is doing is what contrarian investing is mostly about and one which gives the investors a better chance of profit. What are the key things an investor should know about contrarian investing before he chases these large profits? Is this contrarian investing strategy an easy thing for a normal investor to practice?

1. Potential for huge profits

First things first. A large bet on a contrarian investment idea has the possibility to deliver windfall profits. It’s the equivalent of a jackpot or a royal flush in a poker game.
During the 2008 financial market crisis when the banking stocks were hammered, Warren Buffet made a 5 billion USD contrarian bet on Goldman Sachs and by 2013 (in 5 years) got a 62% return on his initial investment.Simply adapting this contrarian idea (when this information was publicly available) to the Indian market by investing in any of the well run private sector banks would have given similar handsome returns.
Setting aside the hindsight bias, let us look at the stock returns of HDFC Bank for the period OCT’ 2008 to Apr’ 2017.
Fig: HDFC Bank share Price for the period Oct 2008 till April 2017
7 Key Things You Should Know on Contrarian Investing Strategy – Stock and Ladder (1)
Source: Morningstar
Excluding dividends, HDFC bank has risen 358%
Just like honey bees get attracted by the nectar in the flowers, investors get attracted by profits. If done properly, contrarian investing indeed has the potential to deliver huge profits
Having seen the potential rewards of this strategy, let us now see how we could apply contrarian investing

2. Four contrarian investing strategies

There are many possible ways to practice a contrarian investing strategy. In an excellent article on this topic, Professor Aswath Damodaran has listed four possible contrarian strategies one can adopt:
Biggest losersBuying into the biggest losers hoping that when the overreaction recedes, the stock will revert to the mean or normal levels.
Collateral Damage: This strategy is to look at situations where the market or a sector has turned negative, dragging the fundamentally sound stocks along with it
Comeback bet: This strategy involves analyzing the reasons for a drastic fall in price of a stock and taking positions in the security if you believe the reasons are temporary and fixable in nature.
“Long Odds” Option: This strategy involves analyzing the security (whose price has fallen for right reasons and there is no hope of a turnaround) to see if they have some proprietary technology, license, product which will increase the value of assets in the future.
Before we kid ourselves to do a buffet and search for own Goldman Sachs like contrarian investing bet, let us remind ourselves:
“Investing is simple but not easy” – Warren Buffet
This is equally true of contrarian investing also.

3. Don’t be contrarian for the sake of contrarian:

Adopting a contrarian approach blindly just for the sake of not following the herd can be an equally foolish thing to do. Michael Mauboussin articulated this point with a beautiful analogy in a presentation on contrarian investing:
If you’re in a movie theatre that catches on fire, you’d be best served to run out of the theatre in contrast to the contrarian tack to run into the theatre.
To drive home this point, let us look at another example from the 2008 financial crisis. Until the housing bubble burst, the stocks of realty companies were literally flying in the Indian stock market. The story is completely different after the crisis.
Fig: S & P BSE Realty Index for last 10 years (down 70%)
7 Key Things You Should Know on Contrarian Investing Strategy – Stock and Ladder (2)
Source: Google finance
As is evident from the chart, the realty sector has not gone anywhere in the last 10 years post the 2008 crisis. The industry is plagued with excess debt, lack of transparency among many other things.
Any investor who wanted to be a contrarian for the sake of being contrarian ignoring the collective market wisdom and underlying financials would have endured lots of pain. (Obviously specific individual stocks would have given positive returns but you get the drift right?)

4. Patience to realize the full value

The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent – John Maynard Keynes
The sheer momentum of the market forces may either drive the prices higher or lower before it takes a position in line with your contrarian idea. Many times the behavior of the market is akin to a huge cruise ship taking a U-turn where as you expect it to turn like a speed boat.
Your contrarian investing idea might be sound yet it is quite possible that it may take a very long time for the market to fall in line with your idea.
Eicher Motors ltd is a classic example of this. Check out the stock price movement for the last 15 years:
Fig: Eicher Motors share price from Jan 2002 to Jan 2017
7 Key Things You Should Know on Contrarian Investing Strategy – Stock and Ladder (3)
Source: Morningstar
During early 2000, many thought Eicher motors was finished as the sales was floundering. The company was spectacularly revived and that turnaround is a story for another blog post. However, the point here is that even if you had taken a contrarian bet in early 2000, it would have taken few years for the idea to play out. Check out the share price table:
Fig: Share price of Eicher Motors at random intervals

PeriodShare price (Rs.)
April 2004Around 220
April 2009Around 220
Jan 2017Around 22000

Sometimes one needs to be prepared for the long wait for a contrarian idea to work without losing resolve, patience and sanity (as long as the original reason for investing remains valid).

5. Analysis of the investing rationale with double vigour

“You are neither right nor wrong because the crowd disagrees with you. You are right because your data and reasoning are right.” – Warren Buffett
When a contrarian strategy is adopted, you are going against the collective wisdom of thousands of individual participants and institutional investors who are also scrutinizing the same set of data and to hunt for the same market anomalies.
Even though it is a known fact that the market sometimes overreacts both ways, the prospect of finding a completely new and contrarian idea is extremely rare.
In case we do believe that we have found one such idea then the same needs to be analyzed even more rigorously than a normal investing idea.

6. Resist seeking social proof

Social proof is a powerful psychological concept which explains our behavior when we are unsure how to act during certain situations. There are many events which occur in the market for which we are unsure of the course of action to be taken. E.g. Brexit, Demonetization.
To know more about this uncertainty, if we switch on the television to hear the “expert” opinion, read newspapers, follow investing blogs or talk to friends then you may hear a point of view which is contrarian to what you are thinking.
Taking a contrarian approach would require you to resist the urge for social proof as your action will not resonate with the larger crowd .You may be lonely in your thinking and without any social comfort as you will seldom find anyone behaving similarly.

7. What it takes to be a successful contrarian

All the key considerations for successful contrarian investing have been beautifully summarized by Howard Marksin the July 2013 memo to his Oaktree clients:
To be a successful contrarian, you have to be able to:

  • see what most people are doing,
  • understand what’s wrong about most people’s behavior,
  • possess a strong sense for intrinsic value, which most people ignore at the extremes,
  • resist the psychological pressures that make most people err, and thus
  • buy when most people are selling and sell when most people are buying.

Easy right?!

Final thoughts

Contrarian investing strategy is extremely rewarding with possibilities for large profits when you get it right. It is a particularly useful investing strategy during periods of bubbles and extreme market over-reaction.
However, as we have seen, adopting a contrarian approach requires very rigorous analysis of the idea, possibly a longer gestation period for the idea to fructify and also the resilience to psychological pressures like social proofing.
All this makes it a high risk strategy for the common investor.
For the impala or deer in the plains of Africa, safety is in the numbers. In the eventuality of an isolation from the herd their chances of survival becomes bleak. An investor however should not behave like an impala or a deer. For the investor, the ability to clearly identifying this herd mentality and deciding NOT to participate in this crowd frenzy, will be a significant investing achievement in itself.
Do you agree that contrarian investing is an inherently risky strategy for the common investor? Let me know in the comments.

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As an enthusiast and expert in financial markets and investment strategies, I've closely followed and practiced contrarian investing over the years. This strategy involves going against the crowd, buying assets that are currently unpopular or undervalued, and selling those that are overvalued. The article you've shared delves into several key concepts related to contrarian investing, and I'll provide insights into each:

  1. Introduction to Contrarian Investing:

    • Contrarian investing involves going against the popular market sentiment.
    • Drawing parallels between the behavior of animals in African national parks and investors in stock markets, emphasizing the herd mentality.
  2. Evidence of Contrarian Success:

    • Citing Warren Buffett's contrarian bet during the 2008 financial crisis on Goldman Sachs, resulting in a substantial return on investment.
    • Providing an example from the Indian market, showcasing the significant returns of HDFC Bank after the 2008 crisis.
  3. Four Contrarian Investing Strategies:

    • Identifying four contrarian strategies outlined by Professor Aswath Damodaran:
      • Investing in the biggest losers.
      • Focusing on stocks affected by collateral damage.
      • Analyzing stocks with the potential for a comeback.
      • Evaluating securities with long odds options.
  4. Cautionary Notes and Considerations:

    • Emphasizing the simplicity yet difficulty of investing, quoting Warren Buffett: "Investing is simple but not easy."
    • Advising against blindly adopting a contrarian approach, using the example of the realty sector's decline post the 2008 crisis.
  5. Patience in Contrarian Investing:

    • Highlighting the need for patience in contrarian investing, quoting John Maynard Keynes: "The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent."
    • Using Eicher Motors as an example, showcasing a contrarian bet that took several years to play out.
  6. Rigorous Analysis and Avoiding Social Proof:

    • Emphasizing the importance of double-vigorous analysis when adopting a contrarian strategy.
    • Warning against seeking social proof, as contrarian actions may not align with popular opinions.
  7. Qualities of a Successful Contrarian Investor:

    • Summarizing Howard Marks' key considerations for successful contrarian investing, including the ability to see beyond consensus, understand behavioral flaws, assess intrinsic value, resist psychological pressures, and act against the crowd.
  8. Final Thoughts on Contrarian Investing:

    • Acknowledging the potential rewards of contrarian investing but highlighting its high-risk nature.
    • Encouraging investors to recognize herd mentality and make independent decisions.

In conclusion, contrarian investing, while potentially rewarding, requires careful analysis, resilience, and a long-term perspective. It is indeed a high-risk strategy that may not be suitable for every investor.

7 Key Things You Should Know on Contrarian Investing Strategy – Stock and Ladder (2024)


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Contrarian investing involves a strategy where investors intentionally go against prevailing market trends. This means that instead of following the crowd, contrarians seek opportunities in undervalued or unpopular assets, anticipating a future reversal in sentiment.

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The contrarian sees buying opportunities in stocks that are currently selling for below their intrinsic value. Being a contrarian can be rewarding, but it is often a risky strategy that may take a long period of time to pay off.

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Commonly used contrarian indicators for investor sentiment are Volatility Indexes (informally also referred to as "Fear indexes"), like VIX, which by tracking the prices of financial options, gives a numeric measure of how pessimistic or optimistic market actors at large are.

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They tend to focus on buying distressed stocks and then selling them off once the share price has recovered and before other investors join in. They don't believe in the herd mentality idea and believe that it is actually a bad investing strategy.

Is Warren Buffett a contrarian? ›

One of the most famous investors and an aficionado of the contrarian strategy is none other than billionaire investor and Berkshire Hathaway chairman and CEO Warren Buffett.

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Contrarian traders can profit from these reversals by taking positions in the opposite direction of the prevailing trend. Go against Herd Mentality: Contrarian trading helps traders to go against the herd mentality that often leads to bubbles and market crashes.

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An extremely high put-call ratio means the market is extremely bearish. To a contrarian, that can be a bullish signal that indicates the market is unduly bearish and is due for a turnaround.

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  • High-Yield Bonds. ...
  • Leveraged ETFs. ...
  • Emerging and Frontier Markets. ...
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The "Buffett Indicator" takes the combined market capitalization of all actively traded US stocks and divides that figure by the latest quarterly estimate for gross domestic product (GDP). Investors use it to compare the overall value of the stock market to the size of the national economy.

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A contrarian investor may also find themselves bullish when the prevailing sentiment is bearish. That's particularly true with individual stocks or stock sectors that have fallen out of favor. Hedge funds, which pool money from investors, often seek out aggressive contrarian investment strategies, for instance.

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  • Clear any debts you have, and never invest using a credit card. ...
  • The earlier you get day-to-day money in order, the sooner you can think about investing.

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Take informed decision. Whether you decide to invest, sell or hold - always make sure that you know why you are taking the decision. Conduct proper research to ensure that your decisions are reasonable. Your investment decisions must be data-driven and not sentiment- or reputation-driven.

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Margin of safety: Buying when stocks are at market lows ensures your money doesn't go toward anything below a stock's intrinsic value. Big returns: Despite the chance of long waiting times, contrarian investors have the opportunity to gain big on their investments once a falling market goes back to normal.

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Contrarian Investing Examples

For instance, if a well-performing company's stock drops from ₹300 to ₹200 during a crash, a contrarian might buy, predicting an eventual market recovery. This strategy relies on the belief that the market overreacts to news, both good and bad, creating opportunities.

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The advantages of a contrarian investing strategy are:
  • Buying stocks when they're out of favor creates a considerable margin of safety relative to the stocks' intrinsic values, theoretically reducing downside risk.
  • Your portfolio is more likely to outperform the market on a long-term basis as a contrarian investor.

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The safest option strategy is one that involves limited risk, such as buying protective puts or employing conservative covered call writing. Selling cash-secured puts stands as the most secure strategy in options trading, offering a clear risk profile and prospects for income while keeping overall risk to a minimum.


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