New Battle for Naboo Raid Information (2024)

Hello Holotable Heroes!

We are excited to bring you more news about the Battle for Naboo raid which will include a quick summary of the event, the characters that are allowed, and character modifier information.

Note, while this is still in development it is possible things listed below can change as we finalize the Raid.


The peaceful world of Naboo is under siege! The Trade Federation has unleashed a droid army upon the calm and quiet planet. You and your Guild must engage the enemy both on land and in space to defend Naboo at all costs!

Overwhelm the relentless droid hordes! Make strategic choices to hold off the endless waves of battle droids (B1s, STAPs, Droidekas) spawned from hulking MTTs. Each wave comes with a twist: a randomized Command Droid alters the battlefield with unique bonuses and tactics. You will need to adapt your strategy on the fly to overcome this ever-changing threat and secure victory!

Hero Character Bonus Information:

These characters have +25% Max Protection and Offense and +20% Mastery. Whenever this character inflicts a debuff recover 10% Health and Protection, and gain 10% Defense and Offense (stacking) for 1 turn:

  • Jar Jar Binks
  • Master Qui-Gon
  • Padawan Obi Wan [Hero Status removed prior to Raid Launch for Balance purposes]
  • Darth Maul
  • STAP

Faction Bonuses:

Gungans: Shield Generator gains 5 Plasma Shielding. Whenever an allied Shield Generator uses Plasma Pulse:

  • Gungan allies gain Foresight for 1 turn
  • A random Gungan ally gains a bonus turn
  • All enemies are inflicted with Plasma Residue, which can't be resisted

Galactic Republic: Jedi Healers and Supports gain 50% Max Health and Jedi Healers and Tanks gain 50% Defense and Max Protection. At the start of their turn, Galactic Republic allies gain +10% Defense Penetration for each buff on them for 1 turn. If the ally in the Leader slot is a Healer:

  • Whenever an ally Jedi recovers Health they also recover 50% Protection
  • Whenever an ally Jedi is critically hit they reduce their cooldowns by 1, gain 100 Speed, and Critical Hit Immunity for 1 turn
  • While an ally Jedi has Heal Over Time they have +50% Defense
  • While an ally Jedi has both Heal Over Time and Potency Up they have 40% counter chance and deal bonus True damage when using an ability
  • Whenever an ally Jedi Healer uses a Special ability, dispel all buffs on target enemy

Separatists: Darth Sidious's Leader ability is active at max rank and applies to Separatist allies as well if he is not in the Leader slot. Separatists and Sith allies have +100% Max Health, 50% Potency, +25% Accuracy and Offense, and +20 Speed (tripled for Darth Maul). Whenever a Separatist or Sith ally gains bonus Turn Meter they gain 10% Critical Chance and Critical Damage (stacking) for 1 turn and whenever they take damage they gain 20% Defense (stacking) for 1 turn. Whenever an enemy is defeated by a Separatist or Sith ally, all allies recover 15% Health and Protection. Whenever a Sith ally inflicts a debuff, they also deal 5% Max Health damage to that enemy, which can't be evaded. Whenever the Separatist in the ally Leader slot uses a Special ability all Sith allies will assist.

Allowed Characters:
Jar Jar Binks
Master Qui-Gon
Padawan Obi Wan
Darth Maul

Boss Nass
Captain Tarpals
Gungan Boomadier
Gungan Phalanx
Queen Amidala
Mace Windu
Jedi Consular
Jedi Knight Guardian
Kelleran Beq
Eeth Koth
Grand Master Yoda
Plo Koon
Aayla Secura
Shaak Ti
Luminara Unduli
Kit Fisto
Qui-Gon Jinn
B1 Battle Droid
Nute Gunray
B2 Battle Droid
IG-100 MagnaGuard
Darth Sidious

Launch Cost: 180K Tickets
Submitted Attempts: 5

Difficulty Modifiers

Level 1
Additional Effects:
Enemies gain 20% Accuracy, Critical Avoidance, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, Defense Penetration, Offense, Potency, and Tenacity, and 10000 Health and 10 Speed.
Roger Roger (OOM Command Droid): Calls an additional ally to assist.
Score Multiplier: 1.5x
Requirement: Gear 12
Level 2
Additional Effects:
Enemies gain 40% Accuracy, Critical Avoidance, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, Defense Penetration, Offense, Potency, and Tenacity, and 20000 Health and 20 Speed.
Die, Jedi Dogs! (STAP): Inflict a stack of Damage Over Time on all enemies for 2 turns, which can't be evaded or resisted.
Recharge (OOM Command Droid): Grant allies Offense Up for 2 turns and they recover 25% Health and Protection and dispel all buffs on all enemies.
Score Multiplier: 2x
Requirement: Relic 1
Level 3
Additional Effects:
Enemies gain 60% Accuracy, Critical Avoidance, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, Defense Penetration, Offense, Potency, and Tenacity, and 40000 Health and 30 Speed.
Reconstructive Revolution (Droideka): Recover an additional 10% Health and Protection.
Roger Roger (OOM Command Droid): Calls an additional ally to assist.
Command Droid (OOM Command Droid): Grant an additional stack of Charge whenever an ally gains Energized.
Faction Bonus: Galactic Republic: +50% Defense for Healers and Tanks. If the ally in the Leader slot is a Healer: +50% Defense for an ally Jedi while they have Heal Over Time
Score Multiplier: 3x
Requirement: Relic 3
Level 4
Additional Effects:
Enemies gain 80% Accuracy, Critical Avoidance, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, Defense Penetration, Offense, Potency, and Tenacity, and 60000 Health and 40 Speed.
B1 Barrage (B1 and OOM Command Droid): If target was Target Locked, all Droid allies recover 5% Protection.
Faction Bonus: Galactic Republic: If the ally in the Leader slot is a Healer: Whenever they use a Special ability increase target enemy cooldowns by 1.
Score Multiplier: 4x
Requirement: Relic 5
Level 5
Additional Effects:
Enemies gain 100% Accuracy, Critical Avoidance, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, Defense Penetration, Offense, Potency, and Tenacity, and 80000 Health and 50 Speed.
Faction Bonus: Galactic Republic: Whenever an enemy critically hits a Jedi Tank the enemy is inflicted with a stack of Damage Over Time and all enemies are inflicted with Tenacity Down for 2 turns, which can't be evaded.
Faction Bonus: Separatists: +20% Defense whenever they take damage. Whenever a Sith ally inflicts a debuff, deal an additional instance of 10% Max Health damage.
Score Multiplier: 6x
Requirement: Relic 7
Level 6
Additional Effects:
Enemies gain 120% Accuracy, Critical Avoidance, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, Defense Penetration, Offense, Potency, and Tenacity, and 100000 Health and 60 Speed.
Deflector Shield Generator (Droideka): +15% chance to assist.
Command Droid (OOM Command Droid): Grant an additional stack of Charge whenever an ally gains Energized.
Faction Bonus: Separatists: +50% Offense and Potency. Whenever the Separatist in the Leader slot uses a Special ability, decrease the enrage timer by 1%.
Score Multiplier: 9x
Requirement: Relic 8
Level 7
Additional Effects:
Enemies gain 140% Accuracy, Critical Avoidance, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, Defense Penetration, Offense, Potency, and Tenacity, and 120000 Health and 70 Speed.
Twin Blaster Cannons: All allies gain 30% Turn Meter.
Defensive Spiral: All allies recover 50% Health and Protection.
Faction Bonus: Galactic Republic: +50% Max Health for Jedi Healers and Supports. Whenever a Jedi uses an ability against an enemy with Shatterpoint, all Jedi allies gain Protection Up (30%) for 2 turns. Whenever a Jedi ally attacks out of turn, deal bonus True damage to target enemy. If the ally in the Leader slot is a Healer: Jedi Attackers gain 100% Max Health and an ally Jedi gains 100% Offense while they have Heal Over Time.
Faction Bonus: Separatist: +100% Critical Chance for Separatist and Sith allies. All Separatist allies gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn at the start of battle, which can't be dispelled. The first time each Separatist ally is defeated, they revive with 50% Health and Protection. Whenever the Separatist in the Leader slot uses a Special ability, the Leader gains 100% Defense for 1 turn.
Score Multiplier: 12x
Requirement: Relic 9

As a reminder, as we continue to work through balancing and testing anything listed above is subject to change

New Battle for Naboo Raid Information (2024)


Why was Naboo destroyed? ›

Despite his origins on the planet, Palpatine did not care at all for his homeworld and, following his death, Naboo was named a priority target for Operation: Cinder, a protocol that the Sith Lord had put in place to destroy Imperial worlds should they fail to protect their Emperor.

Who won the Battle of Naboo? ›

Qui-Gon Jinn lost his life during the battle, but the Naboo and Gungan Alliance ultimately triumphed over the Federation.

What was the battle on Naboo Star Wars? ›

The Battle of Naboo, also known as the Battle for Naboo, was the final conflict of the Trade Federation's invasion of the planet Naboo. The battle featured four separate parts and was conceived by Queen Padmé Amidala upon returning to her planet, after unsuccessfully pleading with the Galactic Senate for help.

What was the point of the Naboo invasion? ›

On the orders of Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation sent its battle droids to invade Naboo to create a government crisis. During the Clone Wars, the Trade Federation secretly signed on as a member of Count Dooku's Separatist organization, though representatives in the Senate tried to deny this.

Did Vader ever go to Naboo? ›

Sometime after the duel on Cloud City, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, formerly the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Amidala's secret husband, visited Naboo in his quest for revenge against those hid the existence of their son Luke Skywalker and was ambushed by the Amidalans before reaching the tomb.

Who blew up Naboo? ›

Naboo has not been destroyed in either Canon nor Legends. You may have gotten the planet mixed up with Alderaan, which was destroyed by the Death Star. What was the reason behind the Invasion of Naboo? The Trade Federation was trying to pressure the Senate into rolling back legislation that had cut into their revenues.

Who ruled Naboo after Padme died? ›

Queen Jamillia served as the successor of Queen Amidala as the elected sovereign of Naboo.

Did Darth Maul survive Naboo? ›

Thanks to his mastery of the dark side and a degree of happenstance, Maul lived without his lower half and escaped Naboo to Lotho Minor, eventually returning in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

What happened to Jar Jar Binks after Order 66? ›

He was banished from his people because of his clumsiness. Yet, after an extensive mission to save the Queen of Naboo, Jar Jar proved himself a hero and was accepted back into the Gungan community, making him a general and later a representative in the Galactic Senate of the Republic.

Who attacked Naboo? ›

The viceroy of the powerful Trade Federation, Nute Gunray secretly allied himself with Darth Sidious a decade before the Clone Wars. Manipulated by Sidious, Gunray invaded Naboo.

Why did Palpatine want Naboo invaded? ›

Sidious had been the one who suggested Naboo be the Federation's target, as, in his guise as Naboo Senator Sheev Palpatine, he planned to use his people's suffering in a bid for political sympathy, which would push him to be the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, allowing him to further his own plans.

Why was Qui-Gon burned on Naboo? ›

However, the answer is simply so that the people of Naboo could honor Qui-Gon and his sacrifice. Qui-Gon died during the Battle of Naboo, defending their queen, Amidala, from the Sith.

Was Naboo Destroyed in Star Wars? ›

Naboo was among the first worlds to be attacked. Despite the planet sustaining heavy losses, Operation: Cinder was foiled before Naboo could be destroyed. After that, however, little is known about Naboo, other than it was saved from the First Order after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Did Darth Vader invade Naboo? ›

However, in order to get those answers, he's got to wage war with Naboo first - a task Vader is more than happy to participate in. Darth Vader's quest for revenge against those who kept his son from him took him to Naboo, where he surprisingly encountered Sabé, Padmé''s former handmaiden, and her team.

Why is Naboo so important? ›

And as for why Naboo got chosen, the planet was rich in the resource called plasma, which was an efficient and costly power source. And to top things off, Naboo held no army, meaning it could safely get occupied. These were the reasons that persuaded the Viceroy to blockade Naboo, but Darth Sidious had his own agenda.

Was Naboo destroyed by the First Order? ›

Naboo was among the first worlds to be attacked. Despite the planet sustaining heavy losses, Operation: Cinder was foiled before Naboo could be destroyed. After that, however, little is known about Naboo, other than it was saved from the First Order after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

What did Palpatine do to Naboo? ›

Sidious then ordered the Trade Federation to invade the planet with an army of battle droids. Naboo fell quickly, but Padmé Amidala, the planet's young Queen, escaped with help from the Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Why is Padmé no longer Queen of Naboo? ›

In 25 BBY, Amidala ended her second term as queen. Though some on Naboo suggested amending the constitution to allow her to serve a third term, she stayed true to her belief that "popular rule is not democracy." Hereafter, Amidala gave up the throne to her elected successor, Queen Jamillia.

Who took over Naboo after Padmé died? ›

Queen Jamillia served as the successor of Queen Amidala as the elected sovereign of Naboo. It was Jamillia that convinced Padme Amidala to serve as senator for the system, and spoke with Padme about the political realities of war as the Senator hid on Naboo just prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.